La Citadelle
des Savoir-faire
Welcome to the scientific discovery park bringing together innovative companies around 3D printing, 3D scanning and blockchain.

North Building
With a 2-floor printed tower, this building will house the showrooms of our various companies as well as the headquarters of Imo-3D and COM-3D.

Le Pavillon
The first 3D printed building, it now hosts all kinds of events.

L'Elephant de la Mémoire
Genuine symbol
of the French Revolution
of the French Revolution

South Building
Future business incubator and fablab, with the aim of helping small innovative companies in the region to grow.

Its 1,500 m2 currently houses the premises, workshops and storage of Machines-3D and Constructions-3D.

The reception
Printed in 2021, this building is the starting point for the virtual tour.

Science Discovery Park
Demonstration and exploitation of 3D printing and 3D scanning in art, dentistry, industry and reverse engineering.
3D printed building territory where the limits of 3D printers are challenged and improved.
Appropriate training and support for partners to ensure that they have the necessary skills to maximise the potential of their projects.
A dozen or so innovative business projects from the site's employees or from our incubation partners
Would you like to meet us?
Come and visit the Citadelle des Savoir-Faire with your own eyes! Discover our companies, projects, and 3D-printed buildings.

They're talking about us
“Entrer dans la Citadelle des savoir-faire de Bruay sur l'Escaut c'est un peu découvrir le monde de demain avec toutes ses imprimantes petites et grandes avec un champ des possibles illimité.”
France Bleu Nord, Rafaela Biry-Vicente
״Superbe lieu !
Un lieu où l'on peut innover, créer et développer des solutions de demain. Toujours dans l'originalité ! ”
Brahim Sellam, POP School Valenciennes