Scientific Discovery Centre

The Citadelle des Savoir-Faire in France is a scientific discovery centre that brings together innovative companies around 3D printing & 3D scanning.
Les entreprises hébergées à la Citadelle des Savoir-Faire sont réunies autour d’une ambition commune : rendre la technologie accessible au plus grand nombre. Tout l’espace est dédié à la découverte immersive des applications de l’impression 3D dans tous les secteurs professionnels et éducatifs.

Tout savoir sur les génies qui ont inspirés la Citadelle

A project that starts with the ambition to print a concrete structure

It all started in 2019 with the printing of the Pavillon de la Concorde, the first 3D printed building in France.

This singular project brings together all the companies at the Citadelle des Savoir-faire around a common ambition: to make 3D technology accessible to as many people as possible. The ambition of its founder, Antoine MOTTE, is to make it possible to house humanity by providing a massive ecological and economic 3D construction solution for the next generation.

Photo du Président de la Citadelle des savoir-faire

Antoine MOTTE,

Unique expertise in new technology

The Citadelle des Savoir-Faire brings together innovative companies based on 3D technologies and blockchain. Located in the Rives Créatives park between Raismes and Bruay-sur-l'Escaut, the site already hosts :